J'ai remarqué que la batterie de mon Huawei P8 Lite (firmware stock ALE-L21C432B574 Marshmallow 6.0) se vide assez rapidement lorsque j'utilise le GPS et une application cartographique lors de mes déplacements à vélo. Elle durait plus longtemps lorsque j'ai acheté le téléphone il y a environ un an.
Je me demande si le GPS est réellement mis en pause lorsque j'éteins l'écran.
Y a-t-il un moyen d'en être sûr, en utilisant une sorte de moniteur ?
Edit : voici le résultat de "dumpsys location" :
C:\Program Files\MyPhoneExplorer\DLL>adb shell
shell@hwALE-H:/ $ dumpsys location
dumpsys location
Current Location Manager state:
Location Listeners:
Reciever[4ab4e84 listener UpdateRecord[local_database android(1000) Request[
POWER_LOW network requested=+24h0m0s0ms fastest=+24h0m0s0ms]] UpdateRecord[netwo
rk android(1000) Request[POWER_LOW network requested=+24h0m0s0ms fastest=+24h0m0
Reciever[cdab2f0 listener UpdateRecord[local_database android(1000) Request[
POWER_NONE passive fastest=0]] UpdateRecord[passive android(1000) Request[POWER_
NONE passive fastest=0]]]
Reciever[b916c9c listener UpdateRecord[local_database com.google.android.gms
(10008) Request[POWER_NONE passive fastest=0]] UpdateRecord[passive com.google.a
ndroid.gms(10008) Request[POWER_NONE passive fastest=0]]]
Reciever[9fe164 listener UpdateRecord[local_database android(1000) Request[P
OWER_NONE passive fastest=0]] UpdateRecord[passive android(1000) Request[POWER_N
ONE passive fastest=0]]]
Reciever[6d62829 listener UpdateRecord[local_database com.google.android.gms
(10008) Request[POWER_NONE passive fastest=0]] UpdateRecord[passive com.google.a
ndroid.gms(10008) Request[POWER_NONE passive fastest=0]]]
Active Records by Provider:
UpdateRecord[network android(1000) Request[POWER_LOW network requested=+24
h0m0s0ms fastest=+24h0m0s0ms]]
UpdateRecord[passive android(1000) Request[POWER_NONE passive fastest=0]]
UpdateRecord[passive android(1000) Request[POWER_NONE passive fastest=0]]
UpdateRecord[passive com.google.android.gms(10008) Request[POWER_NONE pass
ive fastest=0]]
UpdateRecord[passive com.google.android.gms(10008) Request[POWER_NONE pass
ive fastest=0]]
UpdateRecord[local_database android(1000) Request[POWER_NONE passive faste
UpdateRecord[local_database android(1000) Request[POWER_NONE passive faste
UpdateRecord[local_database android(1000) Request[POWER_LOW network reques
ted=+24h0m0s0ms fastest=+24h0m0s0ms]]
UpdateRecord[local_database com.google.android.gms(10008) Request[POWER_NO
NE passive fastest=0]]
UpdateRecord[local_database com.google.android.gms(10008) Request[POWER_NO
NE passive fastest=0]]
Historical Records by Provider:
fr.paris.android.signalement: gps: Interval 0 seconds: Duration requested 20
9 out of the last 18753 minutes
fr.paris.android.signalement: local_database: Min interval 0 seconds: Max in
terval 1 seconds: Duration requested 210 out of the last 18753 minutes
mobi.mgeek.TunnyBrowser: network: Interval 600 seconds: Duration requested 1
091 out of the last 24349 minutes
com.mapswithme.maps.pro: local_database: Min interval 1 seconds: Max interva
l 10 seconds: Duration requested 89 out of the last 24388 minutes
com.huawei.camera: gps: Interval 1 seconds: Duration requested 9 out of the
last 21196 minutes
com.android.chrome: local_database: Interval 0 seconds: Duration requested 1
out of the last 3121 minutes
com.android.chrome: network: Interval 0 seconds: Duration requested 1 out of
the last 3121 minutes
me.guillaumin.android.osmtracker: gps: Interval 0 seconds: Duration requeste
d 1 out of the last 18519 minutes
android: network: Interval 86400 seconds: Duration requested 23790 out of th
e last 23790 minutes: Currently active
com.mapswithme.maps.pro: passive: Interval 10 seconds: Duration requested 50
out of the last 24388 minutes
com.android.vending: local_database: Interval 0 seconds: Duration requested
24 out of the last 24396 minutes
com.google.android.gms: local_database: Min interval 0 seconds: Max interval
5 seconds: Duration requested 22797 out of the last 24396 minutes: Currently ac
com.huawei.camera: network: Interval 1 seconds: Duration requested 9 out of
the last 21196 minutes
com.mapswithme.maps.pro: gps: Min interval 1 seconds: Max interval 3 seconds
: Duration requested 40 out of the last 24388 minutes
fr.paris.android.signalement: network: Min interval 0 seconds: Max interval
1 seconds: Duration requested 210 out of the last 18753 minutes
com.huawei.android.totemweather: network: Interval 0 seconds: Duration reque
sted 527 out of the last 23809 minutes
me.guillaumin.android.osmtracker: local_database: Interval 0 seconds: Durati
on requested 1 out of the last 18519 minutes
android: passive: Interval 0 seconds: Duration requested 24396 out of the la
st 24396 minutes: Currently active
com.huawei.android.totemweather: local_database: Interval 0 seconds: Duratio
n requested 528 out of the last 24364 minutes
com.huawei.android.totemweather: gps: Interval 0 seconds: Duration requested
7 out of the last 24364 minutes
com.google.android.gms: passive: Interval 0 seconds: Duration requested 2279
7 out of the last 24396 minutes: Currently active
android: local_database: Min interval 0 seconds: Max interval 86400 seconds:
Duration requested 24396 out of the last 24396 minutes: Currently active
com.mapswithme.maps.pro: network: Min interval 1 seconds: Max interval 3 sec
onds: Duration requested 25 out of the last 23809 minutes
mobi.mgeek.TunnyBrowser: fused: Interval 0 seconds: Duration requested 1 out
of the last 6081 minutes
com.android.vending: fused: Interval 0 seconds: Duration requested 23 out of
the last 24396 minutes
com.huawei.camera: local_database: Interval 1 seconds: Duration requested 9
out of the last 21196 minutes
com.google.android.gms: gps: Min interval 0 seconds: Max interval 5 seconds:
Duration requested 12 out of the last 23477 minutes
mobi.mgeek.TunnyBrowser: local_database: Min interval 0 seconds: Max interva
l 600 seconds: Duration requested 1091 out of the last 24349 minutes
Last Known Locations:
Last Known Locations Coarse Intervals:
Enabled Providers:
mWhitelist=[] mBlacklist=[]
fudger: offset: 295, 1246 (meters)
passive Internal State:
gps Internal State:
mDisableGps (battery saver mode)=false
mEngineCapabilities=0xf (SCHED MSB MSA SINGLE_SHOT )
nullnetwork Internal State (com.google.android.gms):
REMOTE SERVICE name=network pkg=com.google.android.gms version=2
service down (null)
fused Internal State (com.google.android.gms):
REMOTE SERVICE name=fused pkg=com.google.android.gms version=1
service down (null)
local_database Internal State:
Gps history of com.google.android.gms, delay time is 0
Record [Start=1480591831467, End=1480591831469]
Location Freeze Proc:
shell@hwALE-H:/ $
0 votes
Si l'application que vous utilisez enregistre l'itinéraire, vous pouvez vous attendre à ce qu'elle garde le GPS allumé lorsque l'écran est éteint. Si l'application n'enregistre pas l'itinéraire, il faut s'attendre à ce qu'elle le désactive. Je pense que vous pouvez voir l'état d'activation du GPS sur le graphique de consommation de la batterie à partir des paramètres, donc vous devriez être en mesure d'y jeter un coup d'œil.