Problème : aucune connexion à Internet après plus d'une minute de sommeil. Le Wi-Fi est toujours connecté, j'ai une IP assignée par DHCP, je peux parcourir les dossiers partagés sur le PC dans le réseau. C'est comme si je n'avais pas autorisé le trafic WAN pour mon MAC sur mon routeur (vieux PC avec disquette routeur Coyote Linux).
Solution temporaire : Désactivez et réactivez le Wi-Fi.
Téléphone : Samsung Galaxy I9000, rom JB personnalisée (dernière CM10), noyau JB personnalisé (dernier Semaphore)
Ce problème me tracasse depuis un mois maintenant. J'ai fait les choses suivantes pour essayer de résoudre le problème :
- Changement de noyau (Semaphore, CM9, CM10, Devil's Kernel) (via CWM)
- Changement de ROM (CM9, HellyBean, CM10) (sur CWM)
- Remplacement de la bande de base XXJVT par la bande de base XXJVU uniquement (via Odin, mais je suis resté bloqué sans IMEI, numéro de téléphone et connexion de données).
- Changement du cryptage de l'AP de WPA à WPA2
- Changement des canaux Wi-Fi de 11 à 6
- Changement du Wi-Fi de G à B+G
- Désactivation de la QoS de l'AP
- Désactiver le pare-feu du routeur
- J'ai essayé quelques apks Wi-Fi keep-alive
- Redémarrage du point d'accès et du routeur
- Réglez "Toujours" dans "Garder le Wi-Fi activé pendant le sommeil".
- Désactiver "Éviter les mauvaises connexions".
- Recherche sur Google et dans les forums, publication de questions
- Désactivation du mode Powersave Wi-Fi dans le gestionnaire du noyau.
- Vérifié logcat (en bas voir logcat dans quelques minutes quand la connexion a été perdue après l'extinction de l'écran)
- Utilisation du "réseau oublié" pour le Wi-Fi domestique
Je n'ai pas encore flashé le firmware stock à nouveau. Je ne veux pas réinstaller toutes les applications et les comptes (Play ne veut pas les restaurer pour une raison quelconque).
$08-26 09:47:00.800 D/SurfaceFlinger( 489): About to give-up screen, flinger = 0x419caaf0
$08-26 09:47:06.011 I/goggles ( 1726): BaseApplication: Getting userWantsHistory = false
$08-26 09:47:06.421 D/dalvikvm( 1726): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1870K, 66% free 2808K/8195K, paused 72ms+3ms, total 231ms
$08-26 09:47:06.421 D/dalvikvm( 1726): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 112ms
$08-26 09:47:06.507 I/goggles ( 1726): FreshnessHelper: Checking for images newer than 1345938048000
$08-26 09:47:15.324 V/LockPatternKeyguardView( 664): Set visibility on$5@4191ecb8 to 8388608
$08-26 09:47:15.511 V/TransportControlView( 664): Create TCV
$08-26 09:47:15.824 V/KeyguardViewManager( 664): KGVM: Set visibility on$KeyguardViewHost@40edc000 to 6291456
$08-26 09:47:15.839 D/PhoneStatusBar( 945): disable: < expand icons alerts ticker system_info back home RECENT* clock >
$08-26 09:47:16.019 D/dalvikvm( 664): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2953K, 41% free 13847K/23175K, paused 13ms+46ms, total 218ms
$08-26 09:47:16.019 D/dalvikvm( 664): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 120ms
$08-26 09:47:16.050 V/LockPatternKeyguardView( 664): Set visibility on$5@4191ecb8 to 8388608
$08-26 09:47:16.054 D/PhoneStatusBar( 945): disable: < expand icons alerts ticker system_info BACK* HOME* RECENT CLOCK* >
$08-26 09:47:16.144 V/LockPatternKeyguardView( 664): Set visibility on$5@4191ecb8 to 8388608
$08-26 09:48:07.023 I/goggles ( 1726): BaseApplication: Getting userWantsHistory = false
$08-26 09:48:07.281 I/goggles ( 1726): FreshnessHelper: Checking for images newer than 1345938048000
$08-26 09:48:19.023 D/ConnectivityService( 664): ConnectivityChange for WIFI: CONNECTED/CONNECTED
$08-26 09:48:19.027 D/ConnectivityService( 664): handleConnectivityChange: address are the same reset per doReset linkProperty[1]: resetMask=0
$08-26 09:48:19.050 D/ConnectivityService( 664): ConnectivityChange for WIFI: CONNECTED/CONNECTED
$08-26 09:48:19.058 D/ConnectivityService( 664): handleConnectivityChange: address are the same reset per doReset linkProperty[1]: resetMask=0
$[COLOR="red"]08-26 09:48:20.027 D/ConnectivityService( 664): NetTransition Wakelock for WifiStateMachine released by timeout[/COLOR]
$08-26 09:49:02.027 D/Sensors ( 664): Smb380Sensor::~enable(0, 1)
$08-26 09:49:02.027 D/Sensors ( 664): Smb380Sensor::~enable(0, 1) open /sys/class/input/event1/device/enable
$08-26 09:49:02.027 D/Sensors ( 664): Smb380Sensor::~enable(0, 1) opened /sys/class/input/event1/device/enable
$08-26 09:49:02.035 D/Sensors ( 664): Smb380Sensor::~setDelay(0, 200000000)
$08-26 09:49:02.035 D/Sensors ( 664): Smb380Sensor::~setDelay(0, 66667000)
$08-26 09:49:02.187 I/WindowManager( 664): Lock screen displayed!
$08-26 09:49:02.210 D/SurfaceFlinger( 489): Screen about to return, flinger = 0x419caaf0
$08-26 09:49:02.472 D/Tethering( 664): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
$08-26 09:49:02.609 D/Tethering( 664): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
$08-26 09:49:03.003 [COLOR="Red"]D/ConnectivityService( 664): handleInetConditionHoldEnd: net=1, condition=100, published condition=0[/COLOR]
$08-26 09:49:03.214 D/PicasaUploaderSyncManager(24298): active network: NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true
$08-26 09:49:03.214 D/PicasaUploaderSyncManager(24298): background data: true
$08-26 09:49:03.496 W/ContextScopeImpl(24312): thread=1 tried to enter the scope of the application context. Ignored.
$08-26 09:49:03.503 W/ContextScopeImpl(24312): thread=1 tried to enter the scope of the application context. Ignored.
$08-26 09:49:03.519 I/goggles ( 1726): BaseApplication: Getting userWantsHistory = false
$08-26 09:49:03.691 I/goggles ( 1726): FreshnessHelper: Checking for images newer than 1345938048000
$08-26 09:49:03.917 D/PicasaSyncManager(22933): active network: NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true
$08-26 09:49:03.917 D/PicasaSyncManager(22933): background data: true
$08-26 09:49:04.074 W/ContextScopeImpl(24312): thread=1 tried to enter the scope of the application context. Ignored.
$08-26 09:49:04.082 W/ContextScopeImpl(24312): thread=1 tried to enter the scope of the application context. Ignored.
$08-26 09:49:04.093 I/goggles ( 1726): BaseApplication: Getting userWantsHistory = false
$08-26 09:49:04.187 D/PicasaUploaderSyncManager(24298): active network: NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true
$08-26 09:49:04.222 D/PicasaUploaderSyncManager(24298): background data: true
$08-26 09:49:04.246 D/PicasaSyncManager(22933): active network: NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true
$08-26 09:49:04.246 D/PicasaSyncManager(22933): background data: true
$08-26 09:49:04.464 D/dalvikvm( 1726): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1854K, 66% free 2797K/8195K, paused 81ms+67ms, total 245ms
$08-26 09:49:04.464 D/dalvikvm( 1726): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 136ms
$08-26 09:49:04.503 I/goggles ( 1726): FreshnessHelper: Checking for images newer than 1345938048000
$08-26 09:49:06.394 I/ActivityManager( 664): Process com.tmobile.thememanager (pid 24054) has died.
$08-26 09:49:12.039 D/Sensors ( 664): Smb380Sensor::~enable(0, 0)
$08-26 09:49:12.050 D/Sensors ( 664): Smb380Sensor::~enable(0, 0) open /sys/class/input/event1/device/enable
$08-26 09:49:12.050 D/Sensors ( 664): Smb380Sensor::~enable(0, 0) opened /sys/class/input/event1/device/enable
$08-26 09:49:12.066 D/Sensors ( 664): Smb380Sensor::~setDelay(0, 66667000)
$08-26 09:49:12.441 D/dalvikvm( 664): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2495K, 39% free 14281K/23175K, paused 18ms+11ms, total 137ms
$08-26 09:49:12.441 D/dalvikvm( 664): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 109ms
$08-26 09:49:12.445 D/dalvikvm( 664): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 79ms
$08-26 09:49:12.457 V/TransportControlView( 664): Create TCV
$08-26 09:49:12.570 D/SurfaceFlinger( 489): About to give-up screen, flinger = 0x419caaf0
$08-26 09:49:12.656 V/LockPatternKeyguardView( 664): Set visibility on$5@4191ecb8 to 8388608
$08-26 09:49:12.687 V/LockPatternKeyguardView( 664): Set visibility on$5@4191ecb8 to 8388608
$[COLOR="Red"]08-26 09:49:23.093 W/ThrottleService( 664): unable to find stats for iface pdp0[/COLOR]
$08-26 09:50:07.011 I/goggles ( 1726): BaseApplication: Getting userWantsHistory = false
$08-26 09:50:07.203 I/goggles ( 1726): FreshnessHelper: Checking for images newer than 1345938048000
$08-26 09:50:08.261 D/dalvikvm( 664): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 0ms
$08-26 09:50:08.382 D/dalvikvm( 664): GC_EXPLICIT freed 1119K, 38% free 14381K/23175K, paused 8ms+8ms, total 121ms
$08-26 09:50:44.695 D/ConnectivityService( 664): ConnectivityChange for WIFI: CONNECTED/CONNECTED
$08-26 09:50:44.707 D/ConnectivityService( 664): handleConnectivityChange: address are the same reset per doReset linkProperty[1]: resetMask=0
$08-26 09:50:44.718 D/ConnectivityService( 664): ConnectivityChange for WIFI: CONNECTED/CONNECTED
$08-26 09:50:44.734 D/ConnectivityService( 664): handleConnectivityChange: address are the same reset per doReset linkProperty[1]: resetMask=0
$[COLOR="red"]08-26 09:50:45.699 D/ConnectivityService( 664): NetTransition Wakelock for WifiStateMachine released by timeout[/COLOR]
$08-26 09:51:07.242 I/goggles ( 1726): BaseApplication: Getting userWantsHistory = false
$08-26 09:51:07.421 I/goggles ( 1726): FreshnessHelper: Checking for images newer than 1345938048000
$08-26 09:51:07.425 D/Tethering( 664): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
$08-26 09:51:07.453 D/Tethering( 664): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
$08-26 09:51:07.589 W/ContextScopeImpl(24312): thread=1 tried to enter the scope of the application context. Ignored.
$08-26 09:51:07.609 W/ContextScopeImpl(24312): thread=1 tried to enter the scope of the application context. Ignored.
$08-26 09:51:07.625 I/goggles ( 1726): BaseApplication: Getting userWantsHistory = false
$08-26 09:51:07.625 D/PicasaUploaderSyncManager(24298): active network: NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true
$08-26 09:51:07.828 D/PicasaSyncManager(22933): active network: NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true
$08-26 09:51:07.863 D/dalvikvm( 1726): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1840K, 66% free 2800K/8195K, paused 19ms+26ms, total 93ms
$08-26 09:51:07.863 D/dalvikvm( 1726): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 21ms
$08-26 09:51:07.910 I/goggles ( 1726): FreshnessHelper: Checking for images newer than 1345938048000
$08-26 09:51:07.933 D/PicasaUploaderSyncManager(24298): background data: true
$08-26 09:51:07.937 D/PicasaSyncManager(22933): background data: true
$08-26 09:51:07.964 D/PicasaUploaderSyncManager(24298): active network: NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true
$08-26 09:51:07.964 D/PicasaUploaderSyncManager(24298): background data: true