2 votes

Activer le swap au démarrage avec un script init.d ?

J'ai une rom qui supporte l'échange, mais le script d'échange est absent.

Comment faire ce script d'échange manuellement ?

I.E : Quel code serait dans le fichier /etc/init.d/07swapon ?


Rollo Tomazzi Points 1452

Que pensez-vous de ça ?

Open a console, navigate to the android SDK tools folder.
Type "adb mount /system", without the quotes doh!
Type "adb shell".
At the shell copy paste the following commands one by one and press enter after pasting them.
echo "#!/system/bin/sh" > /system/etc/init.d/05userinit
echo "swapon -a" >> /system/etc/init.d/05userinit
echo "/dev/block/mmcblk0p3 swap swap" >> /system/etc/fstab
chmod +x /system/etc/init.d/05userinit
chmod g-w /system/etc/init.d/05userinit
chmod o-w /system/etc/init.d/05userinit
chmod g-w /system/etc/fstab
chmod o-w /system/etc/fstab

Now you are back at the normal command prompt, type "adb reboot".
Device will reboot, when its done open a terminal and type "free".
It should show swap space allocated.

And with some programs in memory you can see swap being used:

adb shell
total used free shared buffers
Mem: 407860 399940 7920 0 872
Swap: 249596 16596 233000
Total: 657456 416536 240920

Informations provenant de aquí


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