Sous "Services de localisation", il y a un paramètre "Utiliser les réseaux sans fil". Lorsque ce paramètre est activé, je reçois constamment des "nlpwakelocks" et la batterie se vide beaucoup plus rapidement.
Cependant, je vois que ce problème a été prétendument corrigé par Google : (ma version est 4.3.11) mais j'ai toujours les wakelocks sur mon SGSIII.
Est-ce que l'appareil demande constamment ma position avec cette option activée, ou est-ce que ma connectivité réseau change et que le wakelock se déclenche à chaque fois (par exemple, les réseaux wifi et les tours de téléphonie cellulaire entrent et sortent de la portée) ?
Il serait bon de pouvoir utiliser cette option, car des applications telles que Google Now peuvent savoir où je suis, mais la consommation de la batterie signifie que je dois basculer à chaque fois et me rappeler de la désactiver.
Mise à jour
Sortie LogCat (filtrée sur les chaînes contenant "location")
09-04 14:54:40.605 I/XPrivacy/XRuntime(10598): get 10240/su shell=false *
09-04 14:54:48.080 I/dalvikvm-heap(15987): Grow heap (frag case) to 16.758MB for 2359312-byte allocation
09-04 14:54:52.325 I/dalvikvm-heap(15987): Grow heap (frag case) to 19.454MB for 2391216-byte allocation
09-04 14:54:53.020 I/dalvikvm-heap(15987): Grow heap (frag case) to 19.845MB for 2240016-byte allocation
09-04 14:54:54.365 I/XPrivacy/XTelephonyManager( 5110): get 10018/getCellLocation location=false 11 ms
09-04 14:54:54.425 I/XPrivacy/XTelephonyManager( 4958): get 10018/getCellLocation location=false 60 ms
09-04 14:54:54.440 I/XPrivacy/XTelephonyManager( 5110): get 10018/getNeighboringCellInfo location=false 7 ms
09-04 14:54:54.470 I/XPrivacy/XTelephonyManager( 4958): get 10018/getNeighboringCellInfo location=false 12 ms
09-04 14:54:57.635 I/dalvikvm-heap( 4772): Grow heap (frag case) to 17.766MB for 1244176-byte allocation
09-04 14:54:58.630 I/dalvikvm-heap( 4772): Grow heap (frag case) to 17.708MB for 1244176-byte allocation
09-04 14:55:02.110 I/XPrivacy/XLocationManager( 5110): get 10018/isProviderEnabled location=false 7 ms
09-04 14:55:02.115 I/XPrivacy/XTelephonyManager( 5110): get 10018/getCellLocation location=false *
09-04 14:55:02.125 I/XPrivacy/XTelephonyManager( 5110): get 10018/getNeighboringCellInfo location=false *
09-04 14:55:06.100 I/XPrivacy/XWifiManager( 4958): get 10018/getScanResults location=false 12 ms
09-04 14:55:06.120 I/XPrivacy/XWifiManager( 5110): get 10018/getScanResults location=false 32 ms
09-04 14:55:06.375 I/GCoreUlr( 5110): Successfully inserted location
09-04 14:55:06.400 I/GCoreUlr( 5110): Not calling LocationReportingService, hasMoved: false, elapsed millis: 725934, request: Phone
09-04 14:55:25.375 I/XPrivacy/XTelephonyManager( 5110): get 10018/getCellLocation location=false 11 ms
09-04 14:55:25.380 I/XPrivacy/XTelephonyManager( 4958): get 10018/getCellLocation location=false 16 ms
09-04 14:55:25.445 I/XPrivacy/XTelephonyManager( 5110): get 10018/getNeighboringCellInfo location=false 11 ms
09-04 14:55:25.455 I/XPrivacy/XTelephonyManager( 4958): get 10018/getNeighboringCellInfo location=false 9 ms
09-04 14:55:47.510 I/XPrivacy/XLocationManager( 5110): get 10018/isProviderEnabled location=false 12 ms
09-04 14:55:49.525 I/XPrivacy/XLocationManager( 5110): get 10018/isProviderEnabled location=false *
09-04 14:56:02.700 I/XPrivacy/XLocationManager( 5110): get 10018/isProviderEnabled location=false 167 ms
09-04 14:56:02.790 I/XPrivacy/XTelephonyManager( 5110): get 10018/getCellLocation location=false 8 ms
09-04 14:56:02.985 I/XPrivacy/XTelephonyManager( 5110): get 10018/getNeighboringCellInfo location=false 11 ms
09-04 14:56:06.875 I/XPrivacy/XWifiManager( 5110): get 10018/getScanResults location=false 128 ms
09-04 14:56:07.225 I/XPrivacy/XWifiManager( 4958): get 10018/getScanResults location=false 475 ms
09-04 14:56:07.400 I/GCoreUlr( 5110): Successfully inserted location
09-04 14:56:07.445 I/GCoreUlr( 5110): Not calling LocationReportingService, hasMoved: false, elapsed millis: 786963, request: Phone
09-04 14:56:09.455 I/XPrivacy/XLocationManager( 5110): get 10018/isProviderEnabled location=false *
09-04 14:57:03.255 I/XPrivacy/XLocationManager( 5110): get 10018/isProviderEnabled location=false 194 ms
09-04 14:57:03.795 I/XPrivacy/XTelephonyManager( 5110): get 10018/getCellLocation location=false 10 ms
09-04 14:57:03.850 I/XPrivacy/XTelephonyManager( 5110): get 10018/getNeighboringCellInfo location=false 7 ms
09-04 14:57:07.940 I/XPrivacy/XWifiManager( 4958): get 10018/getScanResults location=false 39 ms
09-04 14:57:07.950 I/XPrivacy/XWifiManager( 5110): get 10018/getScanResults location=false 57 ms
09-04 14:57:08.400 I/GCoreUlr( 5110): Successfully inserted location
09-04 14:57:08.450 I/GCoreUlr( 5110): Not calling LocationReportingService, hasMoved: false, elapsed millis: 847966, request: Phone
09-04 14:57:27.490 I/XPrivacy/XLocationManager( 5110): get 10018/isProviderEnabled location=false 28 ms
09-04 14:57:34.450 I/XPrivacy/XLocationManager( 5110): get 10018/isProviderEnabled location=false *
09-04 14:58:02.735 I/XPrivacy/XLocationManager( 5110): get 10018/isProviderEnabled location=false 17 ms
09-04 14:58:03.100 I/dalvikvm-heap( 5110): Grow heap (frag case) to 14.625MB for 30998-byte allocation
09-04 14:58:03.810 I/XPrivacy/XTelephonyManager( 5110): get 10018/getCellLocation location=false 10 ms
09-04 14:58:03.890 I/XPrivacy/XTelephonyManager( 5110): get 10018/getNeighboringCellInfo location=false 17 ms
09-04 14:58:07.910 I/XPrivacy/XWifiManager( 5110): get 10018/getScanResults location=false 44 ms
09-04 14:58:07.920 I/XPrivacy/XWifiManager( 4958): get 10018/getScanResults location=false 48 ms
09-04 14:58:19.625 I/XPrivacy/XLocationManager( 5110): get 10018/isProviderEnabled location=false 28 ms
09-04 14:58:19.820 I/GCoreUlr( 5110): Successfully inserted location
09-04 14:58:19.875 I/GCoreUlr( 5110): Not calling LocationReportingService, hasMoved: false, elapsed millis: 919382, request: Phone
09-04 14:58:46.625 I/XPrivacy/XLocationManager( 5110): get 10018/isProviderEnabled location=false 17 ms
09-04 14:58:51.720 I/XPrivacy/XLocationManager( 5110): get 10018/isProviderEnabled location=false *
09-04 14:59:03.820 I/XPrivacy/XLocationManager( 5110): get 10018/isProviderEnabled location=false 143 ms
09-04 14:59:04.060 I/XPrivacy/XTelephonyManager( 5110): get 10018/getCellLocation location=false 11 ms
09-04 14:59:04.130 I/XPrivacy/XTelephonyManager( 5110): get 10018/getNeighboringCellInfo location=false 14 ms
09-04 14:59:08.115 I/XPrivacy/XWifiManager( 5110): get 10018/getScanResults location=false 86 ms
09-04 14:59:08.360 I/XPrivacy/XWifiManager( 4958): get 10018/getScanResults location=false 325 ms
09-04 14:59:08.885 I/GCoreUlr( 5110): Successfully inserted location
09-04 14:59:08.940 I/GCoreUlr( 5110): Not calling LocationReportingService, hasMoved: false, elapsed millis: 968451, request: Phone
09-04 14:59:18.535 I/XPrivacy/XLocationManager( 5110): get 10018/isProviderEnabled location=false *
09-04 14:59:24.500 I/XPrivacy/XLocationManager( 5110): get 10018/isProviderEnabled location=false 50 ms
09-04 14:59:26.435 I/XPrivacy/XLocationManager( 5110): get 10018/isProviderEnabled location=false *
09-04 14:59:30.550 I/XPrivacy/XLocationManager( 5110): get 10018/isProviderEnabled location=false *
09-04 15:00:03.550 I/XPrivacy/XLocationManager( 5110): get 10018/isProviderEnabled location=false 21 ms
09-04 15:00:04.130 I/XPrivacy/XTelephonyManager( 5110): get 10018/getCellLocation location=false 14 ms
09-04 15:00:04.210 I/XPrivacy/XTelephonyManager( 5110): get 10018/getNeighboringCellInfo location=false 15 ms
09-04 15:00:08.205 I/XPrivacy/XWifiManager( 5110): get 10018/getScanResults location=false 75 ms
09-04 15:00:08.205 I/XPrivacy/XWifiManager( 4958): get 10018/getScanResults location=false 68 ms
09-04 15:00:08.985 I/GCoreUlr( 5110): Successfully inserted location
09-04 15:00:09.040 I/GCoreUlr( 5110): Not calling LocationReportingService, hasMoved: false, elapsed millis: 1028547, request: Phone
09-04 15:00:14.707 I/XPrivacy/XLocationManager( 5110): get 10018/isProviderEnabled location=false *
09-04 15:00:34.720 I/XPrivacy/XTelephonyManager( 4958): get 10018/getCellLocation location=false 11 ms
09-04 15:00:35.195 I/XPrivacy/XLocationManager( 5110): get 10018/isProviderEnabled location=false 432 ms
09-04 15:00:35.375 I/XPrivacy/XTelephonyManager( 5110): get 10018/getCellLocation location=false 27 ms
09-04 15:00:35.420 I/XPrivacy/XTelephonyManager( 4958): get 10018/getNeighboringCellInfo location=false 58 ms
09-04 15:00:35.495 I/XPrivacy/XTelephonyManager( 5110): get 10018/getNeighboringCellInfo location=false 9 ms
09-04 15:00:35.525 I/XPrivacy/XLocationManager( 5110): get 10018/isProviderEnabled location=false *
09-04 15:00:41.550 I/dalvikvm-heap(12643): Grow heap (frag case) to 14.987MB for 13792-byte allocation
09-04 15:00:42.950 I/Wakelock(12643): Substraction Wakelock [m_wakeType=0, m_name=WakefulIntentService[GCoreUlr-LocationReportingService], m_duration=3106] from Wakelock [m_wakeType=0, m_name=WakefulIntentService[GCoreUlr-LocationReportingService], m_duration=3159]
09-04 15:00:42.950 I/Wakelock(12643): Result: Wakelock [m_wakeType=0, m_name=WakefulIntentService[GCoreUlr-LocationReportingService], m_duration=53]
09-04 15:00:43.600 I/StatsAdapter(12643): Values: NlpLocationReceiverService18 m 23 s (1103 s)
09-04 15:00:45.290 I/XPrivacy/XTelephonyManager( 5110): get 10018/getCellLocation location=false *
09-04 15:00:45.295 I/XPrivacy/XTelephonyManager( 4958): get 10018/getCellLocation location=false *
09-04 15:00:45.315 I/XPrivacy/XTelephonyManager( 5110): get 10018/getNeighboringCellInfo location=false *
09-04 15:00:45.315 I/XPrivacy/XTelephonyManager( 4958): get 10018/getNeighboringCellInfo location=false *
09-04 15:00:48.590 I/dalvikvm-heap(12643): Grow heap (frag case) to 14.603MB for 172252-byte allocation
09-04 15:00:48.690 I/Wakelock(12643): Substraction Wakelock [m_wakeType=0, m_name=WakefulIntentService[GCoreUlr-LocationReceiverService], m_duration=2081] from Wakelock [m_wakeType=0, m_name=WakefulIntentService[GCoreUlr-LocationReceiverService], m_duration=3527]
09-04 15:00:48.690 I/Wakelock(12643): Result: Wakelock [m_wakeType=0, m_name=WakefulIntentService[GCoreUlr-LocationReceiverService], m_duration=1446]
09-04 15:00:48.695 I/Wakelock(12643): Substraction Wakelock [m_wakeType=0, m_name=WakefulIntentService[GCoreUlr-LocationReportingService], m_duration=3137] from Wakelock [m_wakeType=0, m_name=WakefulIntentService[GCoreUlr-LocationReportingService], m_duration=3159]
09-04 15:00:48.695 I/Wakelock(12643): Result: Wakelock [m_wakeType=0, m_name=WakefulIntentService[GCoreUlr-LocationReportingService], m_duration=22]
09-04 15:00:48.850 I/StatsAdapter(12643): Values: NlpLocationReceiverService18 m 23 s (1103 s)
Mise à jour 2
Plus d'informations ici :!topic/mobile/kZkk3E3YVTc